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Πηγές Πληροφόρησης

Πηγές και πύλες πληροφόρησης, γενικού περιεχομένου, αναφοράς (reference), θεματολογικές και άλλες.

<b>OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012</b>
Based on the latest information and indicators in science and innovation, the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 reviews key trends in STI policies and performance in OECD countries and major emerging economies, and across a number of thematic areas.
<B>WISE</B> - Water Information System for Europe
The WISE is "Your Gateway to water". It complies a number of data and information collected at EU level by various institutions or bodies which has either not been available or only been fragmented over many places.