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Θέσεις ΕργασίαςΑνακοινώσεις - Άλλοι Φορείς

PhD position: Homogeneous catalysis with redox-­‐active ligands: Electronic engineering of redox catalytic structures

The Université de Strasbourg is seeking a motivated and dedicated PhD researcher for a research project that spans the fields of redox systems, homogeneous and redox catalysis, and ligand design. The aim of this project is to develop redox-­‐active molecular systems with catalytic activity that can be controlled and operated through external stimuli. The design of such systems will involve the introduction of stimuli-­‐responsive motifs in redox architectures. The interaction with an external stimuli will trigger and /or allow control over redox changes occurring in the system, thus exerting direct influence on its reactivity. This project is expected to provide advanced redox catalytic systems that can operate under selective conditions.

NOTE Deadline 22-06-2018 

more details in attached file. >>