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Textbook Revolution - Open Course Ware - OCW
[09 Feb 2007]

Textbook Revolution is a student-run site dedicated to increasing the use of free educational materials by teachers and professors. We want to get these materials into classrooms. Our approach is to bring all of the free textbooks we can find together in one place, review them, and let the best rise to the top and find their way into the hands of students in classrooms around the world.

  At TBR, you'll find links to textbooks and select educational resources of all kinds.
Some of the books are PDF files, others are viewable online as e-books. Most books are aimed at undergraduates, but there are at least a few resources at every level, from kindergarten to post-doc.
All of the books are offered for no-cost (gratis) by their respective copyright holders. Beyond that, each book is as individual as the author behind it. 

>> MIT is leading the field with 1100 courses online and recently other universities have joined in. In the US, these include

>> Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health

>> Utah State University, and

>> Tufts

>> A large block of schools in China has committed to OCW, and

>> schools in Japan and Vietnam are also on board.

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