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1st SatisFactory deployment and new spin-off establishment!

Thessaloniki, 16 June 2017


SatisFactory is an Horizon 2020 project launched in January 2015, with the aim to develop attractive, productive and collaborative workplaces with augmented reality and other innovative technologies for Factories of the Future.

SatisFactory announces the first successful implementation of its innovative solution in CERTH/CPERI’s industrial plant.

The first pilot implementation in a continuous processes environment, namely the fully operational industrial plant of CERTH/CPERI, was based on real case business scenarios performed by selected groups of workers, which were mainly focused on enabling online supervision of the plant’s operation and human resources, incidents’ detection, as well as path optimization for the personnel’s movements in the shop floor. To support these business scenarios, key SatisFactory components were integrated, providing wearable and ubiquitous computing (AR glasses, smart sensors, localisation devices, gesture and content recognition modules), intelligent decision support (iDSS, plant data exchange component, HR workload balancing component), augmented reality assistance (AR platform), as well as efficient collaboration and knowledge transfer with gamification (collaboration platform with gamification elements).

Applying a human-centred evaluation methodology, the first feedback collected from the end-users shows more than 80% satisfaction for the solution’s usability and capability of integrating and sharing the shop floor knowledge and know-how among all factory actors.

The findings of the first pilot implementation paved the way for the forthcoming large-scale deployment of the SatisFactory tools in another two industries, covering discrete manufacturing (COMAU S.p.A, member of the FIAT Group) and batch products manufacturing (SUNLIGHT Systems S.A.).

Taking advantage of the cutting-edge knowledge and tools developed within SatisFactory, two project partners announce the establishment of an innovative spin-off company.

“Farextra”, officially founded on 01/03/2017 by CERTH/ITI and Regola Srl, specializes in providing end-to-end software solutions, as well as consulting services, in the fields of on-the-job training, real-time emergency response and augmented assistance, 3D object detection and recognition, as well as localisation and real-time data overlay.

Targeting customers ranging from manufacturing, maintenance and construction to ship building and aeronautics, Farextra aims to provide useful insights, reveal hidden correlations and facilitate the behavioural analysis of the input data in real time, using data minimization approaches. Its main offering is a VR/AR based software platform for training personnel on manufacturing, maintenance, process operations and support, with the innovative ability to present 3D animated operation of factory components and simulate the assembly and disassembly of mechanical parts, with direct verification of the trainees’ actions via gesture and object recognition modules.

To learn more about the SatisFactory project, visit and follow us in social media (FB: SatisFactory H2020 Project, Twitter: SatisFactoryEU, LinkedIn: SatisFactory H2020 Project, YouTube: SatisFactory Project).

Project Coordinator: Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras, Director of CERTH/ITI - Tel.: +30 2310 257777 - e-mail:



>> Press Release @ ΕΚΕΤΑ 

Implementation of SatisFacroy's innovative solution in CERTH/CPERI’s industrial plant