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The MOVING project announces the release of two new data analysis web tools for educational applications

The MOVING project is developing a novel educational platform that allows professionals and members of the academic community to learn how to choose, use and evaluate data mining methods in connection with their daily research tasks. In the context of the implementation of the platform we are pleased to announce to the scientific and industry community the release of two new interactive demos. These are a search engine tool for scientific figures based on extracted text (SciFis), and an interactive online demo for the analysis of lecture videos and the linking with additional relevant videos (VideoAnalysis4all - lecture video linking demo), which facilitates the use of video materials in the educational process.

SciFis is a search engine tool for scientific figures. Figures such as bar charts, pie charts, maps, scatter plots, or similar infographics often include valuable textual information, which is not present in the surrounding text. SciFis allows searching in such infographics, thus offering new possibilities for accessing knowledge. You can try to search in a large collection of images that comes from open access scientific publications in economics at

VideoAnalysis4all allows easy navigation in collections of lecture and non-lecture videos. The user can watch lecture videos of a specific topic and, in parallel can search for, locate and then also watch related non-lecture videos, to gain a broader understanding of the topics that are of interest to her/him. Searching is easy thanks to the use of elaborate techniques for text and video analysis, and machine learning. You can try to search in an initially small collection of videos at

Note: MOVING is a Research and Innovation Action that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693092.


Contact information

- Dr. Vasileios Mezaris – Researcher B’ ITI/CERTH, Project Coordinator MOVING / Tel.: 2310 257770 / E-mail:

- Amalia Drosou – Extroversion Services/Science communication - CERTH / Τel.: 2310 498214 / E-mail:


MOVING website:

Twitter: MOVING_EU

Youtube: MOVING-H2020-Project 2016-2019 
