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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2008Φεβρουάριος

WMO Professor Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award for 2008
[28 Feb 2008]

Athens, January 9, 2008 -The Mariolopoulos - Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences is a non profit non-governmental Organization aiming at promoting and awarding atmospheric environmental research. 

The WMO Professor Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award is granted for an outstanding research paper in atmospheric sciences published or accepted during the last two years in a refereed journal by a young scientist (age below 35 years by the date of publication). It is granted every two years and accompanied by a prize of US$ 2,000 and a certificate.


Professor Christos Zerefos

Tel.: +30 10 3940102
Fax: +30 10 3940120
Deadline  or applications: 28-02-2008