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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2008Απρίλιος

Postdoc Opening @ University of Alicante, Spain

April  18, 2008. - Next month a new European (7th Programme) project involving adsorption - catalysis on carbon materials starts. We are looking for a European postdoc to help in such project. A young scientist with a Ph.D. degree in materials or related subject,  could be interested in such position in Advanced Materials Laboratory, Department of Inorganic Chemistry at University of Alicante?

>> If you are interested please send your CV to:

Prof. Dr. Francisco Rodríguez Reinoso

Laboratorio de Materiales Avanzados
Departamento de Química Inorgánica
Universidad de Alicante
Apartado 99
E-03080 Alicante

Tel.: +34 96 5903544
Fax.: +34 96 5903454

[Advanced Materials Lab. /Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Alicante]