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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006November

7th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications 2006

6-9 November 2006, Dresden , Germany


Magnesium is the most promising metallic light weight material for a universal use in transportation industry to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Owing to their intrinsic characteristics of light weight, promising mechanical properties, their high recyclability and the reduced prices for primary magnesium, the interest for implementation of magnesium base materials as a substitution for other materials or as a competitive material for new design strategies has increased. But magnesium alloys have to compete with various light structural materials such as aluminium, steel and polymers with focus on economical aspects, materials and component requirements.
After intensive research during the last decade, a number of new research programmes in Europe, China and North America created new ideas and stimulated competition for advanced developments in magnesium technology. The implementations of new alloys in power trains, the use of wrought alloys in 3C application and cast alloys for parts with decorative surface are the indications for the sustainable research and development in the past. Nevertheless, the production of parts by high pressure die casting is still the predominant technology. Wrought alloys play a secondary role as niche products. Reasons are a lack of knowledge on the behaviour of wrought alloys, and limited availability of economical processes and alloys for extrusions, sheets and forgings. In the future new developments in alloys and processes open new opportunities for increased use of wrought alloys. This is one focus of the conference. The second focus addresses additional challenges, which decide on the extension of the use of magnesium materials, e.g the corrosion behaviour and development of reliable surface coatings


The Conference will be take place at the International Congress Center Dresden


Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Materialkunde e.V.
Phone: +49-69-75306 747
Fax: +49-69-75306 733