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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006November

Third Conference European Legislation to Promote Bioenergy

6-7 November 2006, Brussels


The bioenergy market is currently boosted by the oil price. All applications are growing rapidly, for bioheat, bioelectricity or transportation biofuels. Bioenergy is facing major challenges like biofuels supply or market development and new technologies are emerging.
European policy has a major influence on the bioenergy sector. EU policy sets the framework conditions whose impacts on the development of bioenergy can be both positive and negative. EU has decided to put emphasis on bioenergy and has never been so productive (Biomass Action Plan and its key actions, liquid biofuels directive and its current revision, etc.). Implementation of these EU policies into national regulations is a key process to make bioenergy competitive and it is likely that in the future new schemes will develop.
This high profile conference, organised in the representation of Baden-Wurttemberg, will provide opportunities to identify key EU trends for bioenergy. There are excellent opportunities to engage in direct communication with outstanding speakers from the Parliament, the Commission and relevant international organisations. The conference will be especially useful to those engaged in business


Representation of Baden-Wurttemberg in the European Union
Rue Belliard 60 - 62
B - 1040 Brussels


Jean-Marc Jossart
Croix du Sud 2 bte 11
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
T and: + 32 10 47 34 55