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Εκτύπωση σελίδας
ΕκδηλώσειςΗμερίδες / Συνέδρια20162015

Call for Papers
Young Researchers' Conference: Biomass + Energy Efficiency

The event will continue to be dedicated to presenting the work and achievements of young researchers in the fields of biomass and energy efficiency and to offering an opportunity to interact with researchers and industry experts from all over the world. As in the previous years, there will be 2 conference tracks: one on biomass and one on energy efficiency. As in previous years, we will cover the costs of accommodation, meals, participation and local transport for up to 60 selected participants.


Award: Best Young Researcher

Based on the success of the first edition of the award in 2014, the 2 best conference contributions will be honoured with the awards "Best Young Researcher: Energy Efficiency" and "Best Young Researcher: Biomass". The researcher(s) will receive 1,000 Euro each as prize money.


WSED15 (25 - 27 February 2015)

Further information:


OÖ Energiesparverband,
Landstrasse 45,
A-4020 Linz/Austria,
T: +43-732-7720-14386,
office@esv.or.atZVR 171568947

Please note

Constribution SUBMISSION
You can submit Constributions until October 10th 2014 ( )