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PhD Position for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks BIOGEL
05 May 2016

BIOGEL is set up to educate young scientists to develop innovative hydrogel chemistries and systems for biomedical applications. The first objective is to provide a platform for young researchers to undergo a well-rounded PhD education, particularly focussed on translational skills for a career focused in biomedical research and medical technology development. The second objective is to engineer functional and responsive hydrogels, which resemble specific properties of the extracellular matrix. The third objective is (i) to enhance the efficacy of medical devices by 2D biointegrative coatings that direct and orchestrate the interface to living cells and tissue and enable improved integration within the body, (ii) to advance therapeutic measures by 3D templates for tissue repair, and (iii) to enable new diagnostic tools by responsive diagnostic hydrogels.

The researcher should hold a master’s degree and have interest in an R&D career and biomaterials for biomedical applications. Financial support includes personal allowances, as described in the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN guidelines, and allowance for mobility. Applicants should have a master degree in Engineering. 

According to the EU rules, the student cannot have been a resident or have worked in the country of the PhD host for more than 12 months during the last 3 years, immediately prior to the recruitment at the host organization. 
Within BIOGEL, we would especially like to encourage the careers of women, and therefore look forward to applications from female candidates. In case of equal applicability, competence, and technical qualification, women will be favoured, as long as they are underrepresented within the unit of organisation and as long as there are no predominating reasons to choose a rival applicant. Applications from handicapped candidates who meet the qualifications are explicitly encouraged.

Interested candidates can send an application containing a cover letter, CV, and transcripts in one single PDF to Prof. Costas Kiparissides:

The application deadline is: MAY 22, 2016