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Εκδηλώσεις20142013Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2013Απρίλιος

Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference : To Parity and Beyond...
[15-17 Apr 2013]

>>  The Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference, has become one of the largest gatherings of Advanced Biofuels and Renewable Chemicals Operating Company CEOs and senior executives, strategic partners, financiers, equity analysts, policymakers and industry suppliers in the Advanced Biofuels & Renewable Chemicals and Biomaterials industries in North America.

>>  The conference brings these leaders together to showcase leading companies, technologies and business strategies, and to discuss crucial technologies, partnership, financial strategies, and energy, agricultural, tax and trade policy issues, that together are charting the future of the Biofuels & Renewable Chemicals and Biomaterials industries in the US and Internationally.


15-17 April 2013

Gaylord National Resoert & Convention Center
National Harbor
MD, 20745
United States


Bill Lundberg
Conference Director,
Alliance Biofuels Conferences, LLC

Tel.: 774-270-0358