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ManagEnergy Annual Conference 2010
[24 Mar 2010]

 Once again, the ManagEnergy Annual Conference takes place as part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 

>> The theme of the ManagEnergy Annual Conference in 2010 is: "Delivering Sustainable Energy Commitments" Public Authorities and Energy Agencies working with local and regional communities.

>> This event will  highlight opportunities for local and regional authorities and energy agencies to obtain funding for the implementation of their sustainable energy action plans, including partnerships with key stakeholders and financing for investments in energy efficiency and energy infrastructure.


The latest EU policies, initiatives and programmes on sustainable energy at local and regional levels will be presented by representatives of the European Commission and EACI.

>>  Commissioner Oettinger is expected to close the conference with a speech and presentation of the ManagEnergy Award.  




24 March 2010

Charlemagne Building
Brussels, Belgium



