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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006November

EMPOWER '06 : European Civil Society Forum


The White Paper on the EU Communication Policy enshrines a paramount concept: "empowering people".
It also recognizes that civil society's involvement and cooperation is key in enhancing a European public sphere where the European debate can unfold and counteract the sense of alienation from 'Brussels', which partly mirrors the disenchantment with politics in general.
The EMPOWER Forum is designed to explore how we might begin to fill the still existing gap between European Citizens and Institutions.
In order to do so, the Forum is expected to adopt some concrete suggestions related to a set of priorities recalled by the White Paper: the European Public Sphere; improving civic education; connecting citizens with each other; connecting the citizens and the public institutions; the digital divide.


Date and Location

9-10 November 2006 at the Bergamo Congress Centre, Bergamo, Italy

