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Εκδηλώσεις20142012Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2012Φεβρουάριος

ExpoSec 2012: 11th Homeland & Corporate Security Conference & Exhibition
[28-29 Feb 2012]

>>  The ExpoSec Conference hosts prominent political speakers and security experts from Greece and abroad, while the audience consists primarily of top executives and officers from public and private security organizations that are responsible for the formulation and implementation of local, national and regional security policy, as well as for the provision of state-of-the-art equipment that may serve the quality standards and security objectives dictated by current international conditions.

>>  The ExpoSec Exhibition is staged parallel to the Conference and hosts local and international sponsor companies that are active in the production and distribution of high-tech security equipment and systems, as well as integrated security services in the fields of

  • personal security
  • safety of buildings
  • aviation
  • airport & maritime security
  • security of information
  • telecommunications & electronic transactions
  • public safety
  • national & regional security
  • national defence


28-28 February 2012

Divani Caravel Hotel

2, Vas. Alexandrou Avenue
16121 Athens


Ms. Georgia Vlachou
Tel.: +30 210 7289000

[Organizer: Symeon G. Tsomokos S.A.]