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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006July

ESOF2006 : Euroscience Open Forum

ESOF2006 is the second pan-European General Science Meeting to be held in Munich at the Forum am Deutschen Museum and the Deutsches Museum  from July 15th to 19th, 2006.


ESOF seeks to showcase European achievements right across the scientific spectrum and serves as an open forum for debates on science-related issues. Through ESOF, researchers and scientists, as well as the general public, are provided with an adequate platform for exchanging views and discussing the challenges and consequences of scientific developments around the world.
The Euroscience Open Forum thus promotes, fosters and maintains contacts between associations, professional societies and industry, both within Europe and worldwide. Finally, in the political field, it assists policy makers in consulting relevant scientists on issues affecting society, including the governance of science.


Barbara Diehl
Programme Manager ESOF2006
Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbH
Markgrafenstra?e 37
10117 Berlin

Tel.: + 49 (0)30 – 20 63 46 92
Fax: + 49 (0)30 – 20 64 92 05