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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006November

IASTED International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology (CASB 2006)

13-14 November 2006, Dallas, Texas, USA


In the ever-evolving field of computational biology, it is essential that researchers and industry stay on top of changes in applications and techniques in mathematical, statistical and computational science. Current issues related to this topic involve advancements in bioinformatics including microarray data analysis, functional genomics, and computational proteomics.
The IASTED International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology (CASB 2006) will provide an opportunity for scientists and specialists to discuss current research and exchange new ideas in these areas.


Dallas, Texas, USA


IASTED Secretariat – CASB 2006
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851