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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006October

Engineering Insights 2006 UCSB: The Convergence of Research & Innovation


A symposium dedicated to moving research from lab to industry

The College of Engineering at UC Santa Barbara is holding a two-day symposium designed to bring industry leaders to the College of Engineering for research updates and discussions. Not a typical academic research review, "Engineering Insights" will present research and discoveries that are truly right around the bend, ripe for industry input and application.

Participants will hear keynote addresses from Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, Chief Technology Officer of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and Mark Lucovsky, Technology Director at Google Inc. They will also select breakout sessions on topics that include bioengineering/drug delivery and medical devices; computational science and engineering; nanotechnology, next-generation technology for electronics; medical diagnostics; communications and networking; innovative materials; and computer systems, security and virtual environments.

In addition to presenting breakthrough research, the event is designed to help establish and develop connections between industry members and College of Engineering faculty. Special emphasis will be placed on arranging formal introductions and meetings between faculty researchers and industry representatives.

The event is coordinated by the UCSB College of Engineering Corporate Relations program and the Office of Technology and Industry Alliances.

Engineering Insights will be held in the Engineering Corridor on the northeast side of the UC Santa Barbara campus overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Andrew Elliott
Corporate Programs Manager
Phone (805) 893-5497
Fax (805) 893-5821