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Εκδηλώσεις20142010Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2010Ιούλιος

IZC16 & IMMS7 2010 - Engineering of New Micro- and Meso-Structured Materials
[04-09 Jul 2010]

>>  The conference deals with all aspects of natural and synthetic Micro- and Meso-porous Materials (MMM) with ordered nanostructure. The conference is organized in the following four macro-areas, with the aim to foster an interdisciplinary and not sectorial approach.

  • Synthesis and Characterization
  • Structure and theory
  • Applications
  • New frontiers in Micro and Mesostructured materials

>> The programme consists of 5 plenary, 18 key-note, about 225 oral, 40 short oral, 2 poster sessions. A symposium to celebrate the R. M. Barrer birthday centenary will be organized.  

04-09 July 2010 

Convention Center "Hilton Sorrento Palace"
Via S. Antonio 13
80067 Italy



[Organizers: IZA, IMMA, AIZ & GIC-SCI ]