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Εκδηλώσεις20142013Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2013Ιούνιος

pHealth 2013
[26-28 Jun 2013]

>> The pHealth conference has emerged as the leading international meeting on wearable micro and nano technologies for personalized medicine. Starting in 2004, pHealth has attracted scientists for various technologies, medical doctors, policy makers from the healthcare industry, hospital administration and allied professionals.

>> The 10th anniversary conference brings new topics such as gaming and big data management side-by-side with those that reflect the tradition of pHealth - wearable and implantable medical devices and microsystems.

>> Such technologies have become important enablers for monitoring and treatment in both inpatient and outpatient care. The multilateral benefits of pHealth technologies for all stakeholders lead not only to medical quality improvements and new business models in health care, but also to the better management of healthcare cost.


26-28 June 2013

Tornimäe 3
10145 Tallinn



[Organizer: Estonian Healthtech Cluster, et. al.]