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Events20142006<Β>External Events - 2006November

Petchem Arabia - An International Conference for the Middle East Petrochemicals Sector

27-29 November, 2006, Abu Dhabi, UAE


With low cost feedstocks and an envious geographical location between west and eastern petrochemical markets, the Middle East is seen as the world’s most attractive location for petrochemical assets.

With the Middle East petrochemical sector now embarking on the next stage of expansion, it faces a number of challenges. Discussions at Petchem Arabia will address the key issues and challenges at the heart of the Middle East petrochemicals sector including strategies for continued regional growth and penetration of international new markets. Maintaining the regions cost competitiveness in the global market place, attracting overseas partners and addressing the increasing problems surrounding the issue of rising EPC costs due to the escalating number of new project announcements.

Renowned for creating interactive networking opportunities and securing executive speaker panels and agendas that the sector demands, Petchem Arabia is guaranteed to be no exception, bringing together key petrochemical players operating in the region, providing the opportunity to hear cutting edge presentations and network with people who can make a difference to the future of the industry and your business.


The Conference will be held at the Hilton International Hotel in Abu Dhabi, UAE.


World Refining Association
Tel: +44 (0) 1242 529 090
Fax: +44 (0) 1242 529 060