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Events20142013<Β>External Events - 2013August

ASCOS 2013 - Optical Chemical (Nano-)Sensors for Agrotechnology & Food Industry
[24-30 Aug 2013]

>> ASCOS (Advanced Study Course on Optical Chemical Sensors) is an ECTS accredited European initiative to establish an education, discussion and contact platform for young researchers working in the strongly growing field of optical chemical sensors, besides the traditional conferences. ASCOS is being held as a biennial event, each time in a different European country.

>> ASCOS 2013 will cover the basic principles of optical sensor techniques and bioassays encountered in modern chemical sensing together with applications and commercial aspects, and provide a platform to exchange ideas and experience.

>> These objectives are accomplished through teaching theory and basics on a level every participant can follow and then assigning individual problems to small groups of participants where they have to apply the gained knowledge on practical, current problems.


24-30 August 2013

Thermal Hotel Harkany 
Járó J. u. 1.
7815 Harkány


Prof. Dr. Barna Kovács

+36 72 503600 4680 
+36 72 503635  