The Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute - CPERI/CERTH invites you to it's 25th Anniversary
on Thursday 25 November 2010
at the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas - CERTH
Amphitheatre "Vergina "
6ο klm Harilaou-Thermis, Thessaloniki
>> You are also kindly invited to join the openings of the technology excibition: «1985-2010: Research and Innovation in CPERI», at Teloglio Foundation of Art A.U.Th., (Ag. Dimitriou 159Α)
Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute - CPERI
τηλ.: +30 2310 498 112
+30 2310 498 243
+30 2310 498 130
e-mail: cperi@cperi.certh.gr