>> Since its first edition back in 2001, Life Sciences Momentum has quickly taken its place as the leading network event in the Dutch life sciences field. Life Sciences Momentum 2012, the 12th edition, is also the final edition of this popular entry on many calendars
>> Communication is at the heart of everything we do. It is even at the heart of life itself. From biological pathways to human interaction, communication is what keeps everything moving.
>> To get a grip on our modes of communication and learn how to improve our efforts in this respect, this year’s Life Sciences Momentum: Communicating Science will zoom in on the how, when, where, why and what of communicating science.
20 November 2012
Fokker Terminal
Binckhorstlaan 249
2516 BB The Hagues
Life Sciences Momentum 2012 Project Office:
Publimarket B.V.
Nieuwe Uitleg 29, 2514 BR The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 70 356 1534
e-mail: momentum@genomics.nl
[Organizer: Netherlands Genomics Initiative]