The workshop aims to present the progress made with regard to Cooperative ITS where the 1st release of ETSI standards are close to finalization. 07-09 February 2012, Doha, Qatar [Organizer: European Telecommunications Standards Institute - ETSI]
The 2012 AAAS Meeting will present the latest thinking and developments in the areas of science, technology, engineering, education, and policy-making. 16-20 February 2012, Vancouver, B.C., Canada [Organizer: AAAS]
The Expo will gather all kinds of products/technologies related to the latest development of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell. 29 February - 02 March 2012, Tokyo, Japan [Organizer: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.]
ExpoSec is an annual Security Conference and Exhibition staged in Athens since 2002, aiming to examine the most recent views, findings and technologies regarding security and safety issues. 28-29 February 2012, Athens, Greece [Organizer: Symeon G. Tsomokos S.A.]