>> The Forum is an annual all-day event about virtualization and cloud computing technologies. It is attended by business and IT professionals who want to learn the latest about these technologies and how they are deployed, and have an opportunity to interact with executives of major vendors, experts and IT professionals from all industry sectors.
>> Topics covered include:
- Building Private & Public Clouds
- Best practice strategies to integrate cloud services into your business
- Cloud transformation: The keys to success
- The latest cloud solutions available to businesses of all sizes
- Understanding risk and realizing business value in the cloud
- Cloud and the future of IT
- Virtualize IT Production and Core Business Applications
- Virtualize and automate desktops
- Enhance Security in Virtualized and Cloud environments
- Automation & Management of private and public clouds
- Build and deliver your IT as a Service
- Live Demonstrations of solutions and cloud services applications
- Virtual Labs
27 March 2013
ATHINAIS Cultural Center
Kastorias 34-36,
Votanikos, Athens
Greece 104-47
[Organizer: Performance Technologies ]