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SnapEarth: New values through large-scale Earth Observation (EO) data services-Final Conference

The SnapEarth Consortium would like to invite you to the Final Conference of the SnapEarth project on November 28th 2022 at 09:30-16:20 (CET).

SnapEarth (, is an innovative project funded by the EU, coordinated by the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas.

After 36 months, the SnapEarth project is reaching its completion and has succeeded in developing a platform that operates in a cloud environment and is designed to process EO images and extract from them land cover semantic information and index them using different AI methods. The scope of this platform is to facilitate the access to EO data to the general public thanks to EO data labelling and indexation innovations and retrieve from the Qwant search engine. Through Qwant’s search engine, users are able to post a remote sensing query in natural language and receive results related to the query.

The project brought out new values ​​through large-scale Earth Observation (EO) data services to anticipate future priorities by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing technologies and tools.

Within the SnapEarth project 4 services of different fields using the information available from the SnapEarth platform have been implemented including: journalism for disastrous events (EarthPress service), air quality monitoring (EarthClimate service), soil moisture and water availability for food security thematics (EarthFoodSecurity service) and agricultural monitoring (EarthAgriculture service).

During the final conference the results of the project will be presented along with a demonstration of the use of the 4 services implemented and the use of EO data in different real-world cases will be in focus.

More information, agenda and the registration form can be found here:


The event will be held in a hybrid mode.

In person:  Athena Room, at the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute, 6th km Harilaou - Thermi, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki, Greece 

Online link: