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Events20142013<Β>External Events - 2013


<B>WebSci '13</B> - ACM Web Science Conference <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[02-04 May 2013] </span>
Web Science embraces the study of the Web as a vast information network of people and communities.
02-04 May 2013, Paris, France.
[Organizers: ACM, et al]
<B>TII 2012 Annual Conference</B>: Sustainability - Innovation Services for a Smarter Economy <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[25-27 April 2012]</span>
The conference is an excellent opportunity to get connected with people coming from different professional backgrounds from both the private and public sector who share the same passion for innovation and technology transfer.
25-27 April 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
[Organizers: TII, ProTon Europe & Aalborg University]
<B>EuroMedtech™ 2013</B> <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[07-08 May 2013]</span>
5th Annual International Medtech Partnering Conference.
07-08 May 2013, Duesseldorf , Germany
[Organizer: E.B.D. Group, Inc.]
<B>SOLAREXPO 2013</B> - International Exhibition & Conference <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[08-12 May 2013]</span>
International Exhibition & Conference on PV - CSP - Solar Thermal - Solar Architecture. 14 years of immense success recognized by the participation of all major companies and sector players.
08-12 May 2013, Verona, Italy
[Organizer: Expoenergie srl]
<B>SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting</B> - Building a better future: Responsible innovation and environmental protection <span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[12-16 May 2013] </span>
This event on environmental toxicology and chemistry will bring together representatives from academia, business and government.
12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
[Organizer: SETAC]
<B>2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy</B> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[12-16 May 2013] </span>
An international conference to exchange and discuss the materials needed for our energy future.
12-16 May 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany
[Organizer: Dechema e.V.]
<B>eHealth Week 2013 </B><br> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[13-15 May 2013]</span>
eHealth Week 2013 will take place in Dublin, under the title “Innovative Healthcare & Well-being” .
13-15 May 2013, Dublin, Ireland
[Organizers: European Commission, Irish Presidency of the EU, et al.]
<B>INC9</B> - Ninth Internl Nanotechnology Conference on Communications & Cooperation <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[14-17 May 2013] </span>
The INC objective is "To foster communication and cooperation on nanotechnology subjects among the organizers, sponsors, and the world scientific community to stimulate and support economic growth in the 21st century."
14-17 May 2013, Berlin, Germany
[Organizer: NC9 Global Committe ]
<B>International Annual Conference & General Assembly of Climate Alliance</B> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[15-17 May 2013] </span>
"Together in Transition : Empowering Sustainability".
15-17 May 2013, The Hague, Netherlands,
[Organizer: Climate Alliance]
<B>Greek Innovation Expo 2013</B> -  Research - Design - Technology - Innovation> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[15-17 May 2013] </span>
The Greek Innovation Expo 2013 will identify, present and provide a showcase of the Greek innovation.
16-19 May 2013, HELEXPO PALACE, Attica, Greece
[Organizers: Portal «ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑ» & SHAPE Expo Management]
<B>"Frontiers in Polymer Science"</B>: 3rd International Symposium  <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[21-23 May 2013]</span>
Following the success of the First Symposium in Mainz, F in P S is organized every two years in late May or early June. The 3-day symposium will consist of 15 plenary lectures.
21-23 May 2013, Sitges, Spain
[Organizers: Elsevier Limited, Inc. & Journal "polymer"]
<B>5th iNTeg-Risk Conference 2013</B> Risk Screening – Horizon 2020: From iNTeg-Risk to the E2R2 – European Emerging Risk Radar<br> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[21-23 May 2013]</span>
The 5th and final iNTeg-Risk conference is an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world”.
21-23 May 2013, Stuttgart, Germany
[Organizer: EU-VRi]
<B>8th Annual Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine World Congress</B> <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[21-23 May 2013]</span>
Europe's largest and most senior conference for the industry.
21-23 May 2013, London, UK
[Organizer: Terrapinn]
<B>Sustainable Development & Planning 2013 </B>   <span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[27-29 May 2013] </span>
6th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning
27-29 May 2013, Kos Island, Greece.
[Organizer: Wessex Institute of Technology]
<B>E-MRS 2013 Spring Meeting</B> - The European Material Conference <br> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[27-31 May 2013] </span>
The 2013 Spring Meeting will include 24 parallel symposia, one plenary session, one exhibition and much more.
27-31 May 2013, Strasbourg, France
[Organizer: European Materials Research Society]
<B>2nd Dresden Conference "Energy in Future"</B> <br> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[28-29 May 2013] </span>
The conference will present the latest research results in the field of energy conversion, -storage and efficient utilization.
28-29 May 2013, Dresden, Germany
[Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS]
<B>CARBON EXPO 2013</B> -  Global Carbon Market Fair & Conference<br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[29-31 May 2013]</span>
The world's leading International Trade Fair and Conference for emissions trading, carbon abatement solutions and new technologies
29-31 May 2013, Barcelona, Spain
[Organizers: World Bank, IETA & Fira Barcelona ]
<B>Urban Transport 2013 </B>   <span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[29-31 May 2013] </span>
19th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment
29-31 May 2013, Kos Island, Greece.
[Organizer: Wessex Institute of Technology]
<B>Resilient Cities 2013</B> - 4th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation<span style="COLOR: #0767b3"><BR>[31 May - 02 Jun 2013] </span>
Resilient Cities 2013 will enhance exchange, learning, networking, debate and policy development on approaches and solutions to climate change adaptation for cities and municipalities.
31 May - 02 June 2013, Bonn, Germany.
[Organizer: ICLEI]