Web Science embraces the study of the Web as a vast information network of people and communities. 02-04 May 2013, Paris, France. [Organizers: ACM, et al]
TII's 2013 aims to rally European groups of technology transfer professionals around a number of hot issues to promote international best practice in technology transfer and initiate partnerships with Chinese counterparts. 05-10 May 2013, Beijing, China [Organizers: TII, EC & Enterprise Europe Network]
International Exhibition & Conference on PV - CSP - Solar Thermal - Solar Architecture. 14 years of immense success recognized by the participation of all major companies and sector players. 08-12 May 2013, Verona, Italy [Organizer: Expoenergie srl]
This event on environmental toxicology and chemistry will bring together representatives from academia, business and government. 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom [Organizer: SETAC]
An international conference to exchange and discuss the materials needed for our energy future. 12-16 May 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany [Organizer: Dechema e.V.]
eHealth Week 2013 will take place in Dublin, under the title “Innovative Healthcare & Well-being” . 13-15 May 2013, Dublin, Ireland [Organizers: European Commission, Irish Presidency of the EU, et al.]
The INC objective is "To foster communication and cooperation on nanotechnology subjects, to stimulate and support economic growth in the 21st century." 14-17 May 2013, Berlin, Germany [Organizer: NC9 Global Committe ]
Η GIE 2013 έρχεται να εντοπίσει, να παρουσιάσει & να αναδείξει την ελληνική καινοτομία. 16-19 Μαΐου 2013, HELEXPO PALACE, Αττική [Διοργάνωση: Portal «ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑ» & SHAPE Expo Management]
Following the success of the First Symposium in Mainz, F in P S is organized every two years in late May or early June. The 3-day symposium will consist of 15 plenary lectures. 21-23 May 2013, Sitges, Spain [Organizers: Elsevier Limited, Inc. & Journal "polymer"]
The 5th and final iNTeg-Risk conference is an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world”. 21-23 May 2013, Stuttgart, Germany [Organizer: EU-VRi]
The 2013 Spring Meeting will include 24 parallel symposia, one plenary session, one exhibition and much more. 27-31 May 2013, Strasbourg, France [Organizer: European Materials Research Society]
The conference will present the latest research results in the field of energy conversion, -storage and efficient utilization. 28-29 May 2013, Dresden, Germany [Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS]
The world's leading International Trade Fair and Conference for emissions trading, carbon abatement solutions and new technologies 29-31 May 2013, Barcelona, Spain [Organizers: World Bank, IETA & Fira Barcelona ]
Resilient Cities 2013 will enhance exchange, learning, networking, debate and policy development on approaches and solutions to climate change adaptation for cities and municipalities. 31 May - 02 June 2013, Bonn, Germany. [Organizer: ICLEI]