The General Secretariat for Research and Technology
Ministry of Education, Life-Long Learning and Religious Affairs/Greece
Coordinator of the ISEEMob project
invites you to the Conference:
"Fostering Inter-Sectoral Mobility of Researchers in SEE: Challenges and Driving Forces" on Friday, 16 March 2012
time 10:00 a.m. at Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - CERTH
6th km. Charilaou - Thermi Road
Thessaloniki, Greece |
>> The aim of the event is to foster a policy dialogue between policy representatives from eight (8) Southeastern European (SEE) countries:
so as to provide recommendations and guidelines to the respective governments for enhancing industryacademia collaboration and promoting inter-sectoral mobility of researchers at the respective countries.
>> The presentations in pdf
[Organizer: GSRT]