Thessaloniki, 29 August 2017
The InVID project is developing individual technologies and integrated applications for supporting journalists, other media professionals and active users of the Web, in their continuous quest for verifying the authenticity and trustworthiness of the videos that they (re-)publish via their media institutions, the Web and social media channels. In this way, InVID helps the aforementioned communities of users in fighting the swift and widespread distribution of fake news that rely or use, among others, video materials for reinforcing their claims.
In the context of the implementation of the project we are pleased to announce to the wider community of the media and news industry the release of a new integrated tool for debunking fake news and verifying videos. The InVID Verification Plugin is a plugin that can be easily installed in the web browser, and enables the user to perform a series of actions for examining if a video that is claimed to relate to a news item (e.g. a news alert) is authentic and trustworthy. These actions include searching and presenting for the video a wealth of metadata that come from relevant channels (e.g. YouTube, Twitter), selecting video keyframes and performing reverse search in order to find any similar pre-existing content on the web, and magnifying selected details in the video frames with a digital magnifying grass functionality, among others.
The InVID Verification Plugin is already in use by more than 500 users worldwide, and its use is for free. You can find more information about the plugin, and links for installing and using it, at
Note: The InVID project has received funding from the EC’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement H2020-687786.
InVID website:
Twitter: InVID_EU
Youtube: InVID Project
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