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Events20142013<Β>External Events - 2013September

EUCO-CC9 - 9th European Conference on Computational Chemistry
[01-05 Sep 2013]

>>  The EuCo-CC series is organized by the Division of Computational Chemistry (DCC) of EuCheMS, the European chemistry organization. The DCC is devoted to promoting research and education in computational chemistry. Here computational chemistry should be understood in a broad sense: the goal is to represent all fields in chemistry where heavy computations are required.

>>  Therefore the topics of this conference are diverse but the computational technology represents a common background:

  • Bridging grid- and super-computing for chemical calculations
  • Cutting edge quantum chemistry
  • Computational chemistry of non-covalent interactions
  • Computational chemistry of biomolecules
  • Computational chemistry of solid states and surfaces
  • Bioinformatics and molecular modelling in drug discovery

01-05 September 2013

Hotel Sopron
H-9400 Sopron
Fövényverem u.7.


Prof. Péter G. Szalay
Institute of Chemistry
Eötvös Loránd University



[Organizer: EuCheMS]