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Εκδηλώσεις20142012Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2012Νοέμβριος

Green Strategy 2012
[14 Nov 2012]

>> Green Strategy is the Summit event for the Green Monday programme, pulling together the best speakers, topics and formats from the events that have held in the preceding 12 months.

>> Green Strategy 2012 (GS'12) will showcase the power of collaboration. It will convene an exceptional crowd of corporate sustainability strategists, and empower them to share solutions in two areas that could transform social and environmental sustainability. We are seeking transformational ideas for change in two key areas:

  • The downstream challenge: the ways that organisations can influence consumer behaviour, opening the door for the mainstreaming of sustainable demand
  • The upstream challenge: the ways that organisations can shape their supply chains, helping them to influence behaviour across geographical boundaries.

14 November 2012

200 Aldersgate


Ben Patten

+44 20 3137 1728
Fax: +44 (0)20 3137 1727

[Organizer: Green Business Events]