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Εκδηλώσεις20142008Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2008Οκτώβριος

European Transport Conference 2008
[06 - 08 Oct 2008]

The Conference is unique in Europe, attracting over 500 transport practitioners and researchers to a meeting place, where they can find in-depth presentations on policy issues, research findings and best practice across a broad spectrum of transport modes.

>> The unique feature of the European Transport Conference is its multi-seminar approach. The structure of the Conference has been enhanced to embrace a balance of practice and research.

>> The distinctions are drawn into two main areas:
  • Transport Policy and Operations includes seminars of direct relevance to transport planners and engineers with case studies as well as policy development. 
  • Research to Inform Decision-Making in Transport includes seminars with a more methodological focus covering innovative and applied methods. While these sessions are more directed towards those working in transport research, they do also have practical applications to transport.

>>  Delegates travelling to ETC will produce carbon dioxide amongst other gases which are believed to contribute to climate change. The Association takes this issue seriously and we are currently looking at ways for delegates to off-set carbon production. While there are many companies that enable this, we suggest The Carbon Neutral Company as a starting point. On this website, you can calculate your carbon emissions for your journey and contribute to a range of international projects to offset your carbon production. The company has existed since 1997 and coordinates voluntary action on climate change for businesses, Governments and individuals.

06-08 October 2008

Leeuwenhorst Conference Centre
Langelaan, 3, 2211 XT Noordwijkerhout



Association for European Transport - AET 

Tel: +44 20 7348 1970
Fax: +44 20 7348 1989


[Organizer: Association for European Transport]