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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007Απρίλιος

TED Conference on e-Government "Enhancing Public Administration Back-Offices"
[25-27 Apr 2007]

This conference on interdisciplinary methods and techniques is related to the TED (Towards Electornic Democracy )  program, and aims at addressing a large spectrum of issues that are relevant and have to be investigated for a successful transition from the traditional form of government to a new form known as e-Government.

Dates and Location 

25-27 April 2007 
Poznan, Poland
Barbara Thonssen
Tel.: +41 62 286 00 81
[Organizers: FHNW & FHS St. Gallen]