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Εκδηλώσεις20142010Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2010Ιούνιος

ESCAPE - 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
[06-09 June 2010]

>> The ESCAPE series constitutes a major event in the area of CAPE with participants from countries all over the world. The series serves as a forum for engineers, scientists, researchers, managers & students from academia and industry to present and discuss progress being made in the area of CAPE.

 >> ESCAPE-20 themes are:

  • Fundamental in Computational & Numerical methods
  •  CAPE and Society
  •  Off-line Systems
  •  On-line Systems 
  •  CAPE and new opportunities 


06-09 June 2010

Hotel Continental Terme

  Via Michele Mazzella, 74
ISCHIA Porto, Italy



Raffaella DAMERIO

Tel.: +39-02-70608276
Fax: +39-02-59610042

[Organizer: AIDIC