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Εκδηλώσεις20142006Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2006Αύγουστος

1st EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
[27-31Aug 2006]

>> The 1st European Chemistry Congress  will undoubtedly be the major chemistry event of the year in Europe . Besides the six plenary lectures delivered by Nobel laureates
  • Paul J. Crutzen
  • Jean-Marie Lehn
  • George A. Olah
  • John E. Walker
  • Kurt Wόthrich
  • Ahmed H. Zewail
    the meeting will run in parallel sessions covering 17 Special Topic Symposia

>> Prior to and after the conference a series of satellite events will be organised, a list of which is available at the conference website.

>> The European Chemistry Congress will be held every two years. The second Congress will take place in
Turin ( Italy ) in September 2008.


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