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Εκδηλώσεις20142012Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2012Νοέμβριος

ECITL 2012 - 5th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics
[07-09 Nov 2012]

>>  This year's conference will focus on "Smart Freight to enable sustainable logistics solutions" and will highlight innovations and applications in this area.

>> The conference aims to close the gap between research and innovation and the logistics industry, moving research results into real world innovation and driving the competitiveness of European companies in the transport logistics sector.

>>  This year's ECITL features an academic session and a two-day industrial session. Research and Industry alike are invited to propose interesting contributions to this year's ECITL line-up.


07-09 November  2012

Lindholmen Conference Center
Göteborg, Sweden




[Organizers: FH Vorarlberg Univ. of Applied Sciences & Chalmers Univ. of Technology]