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IEC and Academia


>>  From academic papers to lecture series and basics on eletrotechnical standardization, there are making available a wealth of documents.

Academic papers
A library of recently published papers from Academia highlighting the social and economic benefits of International Standardization.

Lecture series
A resource developed specifically for use by lecturers in universities and business and engineering schools. All lectures in Powerpoint available for download (no request needed).

About standardization
These presentations take you through the standardization process - from an idea to a draft document to the consensus-based International Standard.

Sample standard & working documents development
Samples of working documents illustrating the progression from initial proposal to final standard.

Subscribe to e-mail alert services
To keep in touch with developments, we highlight the electronic newsletters available for free subscription.

IEC Challenge
The IEC competition organized in association with The Economist and in partnership with IET, IEEE and VDE.