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H2LIFE - A European Conference on Renewable Hydrogen Economy & Production
[24 May 2012]

>>  This conference is employed as 20th year anniversary event of LIFE programme & is funded by the LIFE+ BIOFUELS-2G project

>>  A key component of the BIOFUELS-2G project is a hydrolytic solar hydrogen production unit, which was designed and constructed in CERTH to demonstrate the potential of employing renewable hydrogen for increasing the sustainability of 2nd generation biofuels production.

>>  Driven by this incentive, the H2Life conference aims to:

  • Highlight promising R&D activities in the fields of renewable hydrogen production
  • Outline recent demonstration projects of highlighting hydrogen production
  • Promote networking between academic and industrial stakeholders and Initiate Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs).


24 May 2012

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Conference Center "Vergina"
 6th km Harilaou-Thermi Road


Vakla Stavroula
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas / CERTH
Laboratory of Process Systems Design & Implementation / LPSDI

6th Km. Ηarilaou-Thermi Road, P.O.Box. 60361
570 01 Thessaloniki, GREECE

Tel: +302310 498302
 +302310 498380