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Εκδηλώσεις20142013Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2013Οκτώβριος

7th Vaccine & ISV Congress
[27-29 Oct 2013]

>> The 7th Vaccine & ISV Congress will feature science and public health topics, from primary vaccine research and vaccine manufacturers, to governmental policy, safety and regulation.

>> Main topics:

  • Human Vaccines - infectious diseases (bacterial)
  • Human Vaccines - infectious diseases (viral)
  • Human Vaccines - infectious diseases (other)
  • Human Vaccines - non-infectious diseases
  • Veterinary Vaccines
  • Clinical Studies and Field Trials
  • Immunology / Animal Models
  • Vectors / Adjuvants / Drug Delivery
  • Production / Manufacturing / Safety
  • Regulatory / Societal / Economic / Programmatic / Legislation Subjects

27-29 October 2013

Meliá Sitges
Joan Salvat Papasseit
38 Barcelona - Sitges 08870




[Organizers: Vaccine Journal, ElsevierInternational Society for Vaccines]