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Εκδηλώσεις20142010Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2010Ιούνιος

1st INCO Conference - Supporting Research Integration
[09-10 Jun 2010]

>>  The conference is expected to host for the first time all the INCO NCPs (National Contact Points for International Cooperation) from Europe and Third countries, while more than 100 of experts working in the field of International research co-operation from all over the world are expected to participate.

 >>  The first day of the conference will be open to the INCO NCPs only (and will include the annual INCO NCP meeting and an INCO NCP training).  The second day will be open to stakeholders interested in International Scientific Cooperation and will include several relevant topics.

>>  The objective of this 1st INCO Conference is to:

  •  outline the frame for International Scientific Cooperation
  • discuss the INCO supported activities in FP7
  • collect the views of third countries towards FP7
  • examine the experience and lessons gained of the INCO activities in third countries

09-10 June 2010

Hotel Royal Olympic

28-34, Athanasiou Diakou Str.
117 43



Tel.: +30 210 3607690
Fax: +30 210 3636109

[Organizer: PRAXI / HELP-FORWARD Network ]