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Θέσεις ΕργασίαςΑΡΧΕΙΟ: Θέσεων Εργασίας

Applications are invited for 14 ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) funded by the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network COSMIC (COmbatting Disorders of Adaptive Immunity with Systems MedICine) within the European Horizon 2020 Programme

Applications are invited for 14 ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) funded by the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network COSMIC (COmbatting Disorders of Adaptive Immunity with Systems MedICine) within the European Horizon 2020 Programme.

COSMIC is an international consortium of high profile universities, research institutions and companies located in Germany, Italy, France, Greece, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands. We are looking for 13 PhD positions and 1 industrial researcher.

COSMIC aims to deliver the next generation of leading, entrepreneurial, and creative systems medicine professionals having expertise, skills, and experience to successfully combat complex human disorders.

In COSMIC we will focus on B-cell lymphoma (BCL) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), diseases that originate from abnormal functioning of immune cells.

For more information please visit