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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007Απρίλιος

[18-20 Apr 2007]

Med-e-Tel focuses on ehealth and telemedicine applications and a wide range of other medical ICT applications and on the convergence of information and communication technology with medical applications, which lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency, and widespread availability of healthcare services.

>>The "Med" in Med-e-Tel stands for healthcare services (institutional and home based care, prevention and education) and for medical products and equipment (medical imaging equipment, monitoring devices, electronic health records, etc.).

>> The "e" stands for the electronic and IT industry and services (hard- & software, internet, e-mail, etc.)

>> The " Tel" stands for telecommunications (whether it is POTS, ISDN, wireless, satellite, videoconferencing, VoIP, or other).

Date and Location

18-20 April 2007
Tel.: +32 2 269 84 56
Fax: +32 2 269 79 53
[Organizer: LUXEXPO S.A.]