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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2008Νοέμβριος

The Borealis Student Innovation Award
[20 Nov 2008]

July 2, 2008. - The Borealis Student Innovation Award recognises the two most innovative research papers (one for a master's degree graduate and one for a doctorate degree graduate) on polyolefins, olefins or melamine sciences to engage young people in Borealis' vision of Shaping the Future with Plastics.

The Award consists of a certificate, the Award and a monetary sum of EUR 5.000 for the doctorate degree graduate awardee and EUR 3.000 for the masters degree graduate awardee. Graduates in the area of chemistry, polymers or applications with a particular focus on polyolefins, olefins or melamine, can participate. Their master’s or doctoral thesis should not be more than two years old and must be finalised by the end of October 2008.


Dr. Christian Paulik
Tel. +43 (0) 732 6981 5163

Deadline  of applications: 20-11-2008