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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007Μάϊος

Sustainable Regions and Municipalities 2007 [6-10 May 2007]

The implementation of EU policies and directives in the field of transport and energy is often linked with great possibilities and opportunities. Nevertheless, it is also associated with difficulties arising from administrative, legal, technical and practical obstacles. This is a common problem for many local and regional European authorities.
  The purpose of this conference is to:
>> give local and regional representatives an opportunity to discuss this practical work with other European regions and cities
>> t o obtain new ideas and inspiration on how to work towards sustainable regions and municipalities

Several projects financed under the 6th Framework Program me, INTERREG III B and III C and the IEE programmes will take part in the discussions and share their experience and knowledge.

6-10 May 2007
Vaxjo Concert Hall, Vaxjo, Sweden
Fax: +46(0) 470 77 89 40
[Organizer: Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden]