>> CloudComp will offer a chance to cloud providers to promote and display their current systems. Topics are solicited from all cloud related areas, including, but not limited to:
- Cloud architectures & provisions to optimize providers’ environments while guaranteeing clients’ SLAs
- Programming models, applications and middleware suitable for dynamic cloud environments
- End-to-end techniques for autonomic management of cloud resources
- Cloud delivery models, models’ optimizations & associated architectural changes
- Cloud economic and billing models
- Green ICT and clouds
- Cloud security, privacy & compliance challenges
- Toolkits, frameworks & processes to enable clouds & allow seamless transitions from traditional IT environments to clouds
- Experiences with existing cloud infrastructure, services & uses
- Novel human interfaces & browsers for accessing clouds
- Interaction of mobile computing, mCommerce & clouds
- Standardisation activity in clouds
- Experiences on clouds in various vertical sectors
- Clouds adaptability
24-26 September 2012
Vienna University of Technology (TU)
Gußhausstraße 27-29
1040 Vienna
e-mail: conferences@eai.eu
[Organizer: European Alliance for Innovation - EAI ]