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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007Νοέμβριος

3rd Annual Conference "Fuel Cells Durability and Performance 2007: Stationary, Automotive, Portable [14-16 Nov 2007]

The 3rd annual meeting in The Knowledge Foundation’s Fuel Cells Durability & Performance series will provide an interdisciplinary discussion forum for fuel cell developers, manufacturers and suppliers working in the fields of fuel cells materials, stacks, system design, fabrication, and testing.

The objectives of this meeting are:

>> to discuss the latest innovations and emerging durability and performance issues common for all fuel cell systems, and specific to different types, designs, and sizes of fuel cells

>> to bring the attention of the testing systems, standards, and regulations development community to the current hurdles preventing fuel cells systems from large scale commercialization.

14-16 November 2006

Miami, FL, USA


The Knowledge Foundation, Inc.
Tel.: (617) 232-7400
Fax: (617) 232-9171