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Εκδηλώσεις20142012Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2012Μάιος

S-PolyMat 2012 - International Conference
[20-23 May 2012]

 >>  Sustainability became a key parameter in Polymer Materials R&D. Numerous projects are being carried out on the various aspects  of Sustainability, both in academia as in industry. 

 >>  The RP Meetings decided to organise an International Conference on such trends in Polymer Materials Research, under the  umbrella of Rolduc Polymer Meetings, with the title: "Sustainability in Polymer Materials"

 >>  S-Polymat 2012 will focuss on the following topics, programmed in five partly parallel Sessions

  • Creating Sustainable Polymers
  • Processing towards Sustainability in Polymer Materials
  • Sustainable Performance of Polymer Materials
  • Sustainable Applications of Polymer Materials
  • Polymers and Energy 

20-23 May 2012 

Rolduc Abbey
Kerkrade near


Prof Ludo Kleintjens

Tel: +31-464333984

[Organizer: RPM - Rolduc Polymer Meetings]