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ISBMDA '06: VII International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis


This year, the 7th ISBMDA symposium features both keynote speakers and an exciting scientific program, comprising of 28 oral presentations and 16 poster presentations. The thematic areas of the presentations span through structural and functional bioinformatics, biological models, databases and grids, semantics and information modelling, biomedical signal processing, biomedical image analysis and visualisation techniques, biomedical data analysis and interpretation and decision support systems and diagnostic tools.
The programme of ISBMDA '06 consists of two keynote sessions and seven thematic sessions:
Keynote Session I:
Dr. Marco Viceconti - "The  pathway to the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH): The STEP experience"
Prof. Ioannis Tollis & Dr. Fernando Martin-Sanchez - "Creating synergies between bioinformatics and medical informatics: The SYMBIOMATICS approach"
Prof. Pericles A. Mitkas - "Association Studies and Medical Inferencing: The case of ASSIST"
(followed by Sessions 1-3)
Keynote Session II: 
Prof. C. Kiparissides: "The nanomedicine platform in the FP7" 
Dr. Loukianos Gatzoulis - "eHealth research activities in FP7: supporting the transformation of healthcare delivery systems"
Prof. Chrysanthos Zamboulis - "The pathway to the European future research: from the European Science Foundation (ESF) to the European Research Council"
(followed by Sessions 4-7)  

Dates and Location

December 7 - 8, 2006 at Grand Hotel Palace, Thessaloniki, Greece
[Organization:  CERTH, AUTH, INFOBIOMED]